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Mainnet Worker Proposal Guide


  • Congratulations on getting the signal to submit a worker proposal to DXdao!

  • At this point, you’ve started the onboarding process, posted a draft of your worker proposal on Daotalk, and the proposal was signalled for an on-chain DXdao vote.

  • For details on what should be in the worker proposal, go to DXdao’s Contributor Guidelines – Worker Compensation section.

When to Submit Your Worker Proposal:

  • A boosted worker proposal takes approximately 7 days to pass.

  • If a proposal is not boosted, the voting period will last 21 days.

  • A proposal is generally eligible to be boosted 1 day after the proposal is posted on Alchemy.

  • The Point: You should post your alchemy proposal 1 week before you intend to receive payment for your work with DXdao, and the proposal must be boosted in order for the voting period to shrink to 1 week.

  • You can boost your own worker proposal once it is eligible to be boosted.

  • For more info on how Daostack’s holographic consensus see Alchemy Parameters.

What You’ll Need:

  • Your ETH account address where you will receive your ETH payment when the proposal passes.

    • Example: 0xed6fA573B2ddB34F6a9a6941b53f7833bF283b02
  • An Ethereum address to receive REP. This can be the same as the ETH payment address, but REP cannot be transferred, so pick an address that you will always have access to.

Step 1: Go to Alchemy, DXdao’s voting interface, and Click ‘Plugins’.

Step 2: Click the ‘Funding and Voting Power’ scheme.

Step 3: Calculate your REP allocation.

  • First, determine if you are a full-time or part-time worker.

    • Full-time workers may claim 0.1667% REP for each month they work for DXdao.

    • Part-time workers may claim 0.08335% REP per month.

    • Other compensation proposals (bounties, limited contractors, etc.): determine how much REP to request by asking community members and stating the amount in your worker proposal post. The amount will be somewhere between 0.1% to 0.1667% REP.

  • A worker proposal period is generally 2 months. Unless this is your first time submitting a proposal. In that case, it will be for 2.5 months, to account for your trial period.

    • Workers submit a proposal for 50% of compensation to be paid when they start their work period.

    • Workers then submit a separate worker payment request for the remaining 50% of their compensation at the end of the worker period, AND two (2) months of REP will also be requested to account for the two (2) months the worker has been employed by DXdao (0.1667 x 2 = 0.3334).

Calculating REP Allocation:

  • Hover over the amount of REP under ‘DAO Holdings’ on the left side of the page. This is the total amount of REP in DXdao.

  • Each worker takes this number and multiplies it by the num 0.1667% (0.001667) or 0.08335% (0.0008335).

    • E.g. 1,447,134.31 X .001667 = 2412.37
  • Put this number in the ‘Reputation Reward’ field when you create the proposal.

Step 4: Calculate your payment allocation

  • Go to and check the current price of ETH (USD).

  • Workers can use the current price of ETH or the average weekly ETH price.

    • Calculate the amount of ETH for your worker proposal payment using your determined monthly compensation level. See Contributor Guidelines – DXdao Compensation Table.

    • Divide your monthly ETH compensation amount in USD by the current price of ETH (USD) to determine the amount of ETH to request in your worker proposal.

    • Current Monthly ETH Payment (USD) / ETH Price (USD) = ETH Amount

    • E.g.: $7,000 (Level 4) / $1136.29 = 6.16 ETH

    • Put this number in the ‘ETH Reward’ field when you create the proposal.

  • Alternatively, you may request stable currencies equivilent to a workers denoted salary.

    • More on this in the proposal.

Step 5: Click on the ‘+ New Proposal’ button in the top right corner and connect your wallet.

Step 6: Fill out the required fields for the proposal and submit!

Proposal information:

  • Title: [NAME] Worker Proposal [DATE - DATE]

  • Proposal text: Copy and paste the worker proposal text you used in your Daotalk post. See Contributor Guidelines – Worker Proposals for sample text.

  • Tags: worker proposal, plus any areas you will be working in (e.g., Omen, governance, etc.)

  • URL: link to your DAOtalk Worker Proposal post

  • Recipient: Your ETH address

  • ETH Reward: Calculated Monthly ETH Payment Allocation

  • Reputation Reward: Calculated Monthly REP Allocation

  • External Token Reward: If you choose to be paid in stable currencies, you may find them here.

Note: Submitting a proposal will require gas, but don’t worry! DXdao refunds 75% of gas costs. Find more information here.

To make your proposal verifiable and secure, it is ideal to add your Keybase Cryptographic Signature into your proposal.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Keybase (on desktop or mobile)

  2. Go to “Crypto” in navigation

  3. Click “Sign”

  4. Type any message into the input field

  5. Copy the Signed Message to your Clipboard

  6. Paste the entire Signed Message into your Proposal

Anyone using Keybase will be able to “Verify” what the Signed Message is and that it is from your Keybase handle.

Any questions? Reach out to the DXdao Discord, the DXdao Keybase, Chris, or Pulp.